Freerider Aufgepasst: Le Derby de la Meije

Sandy macht Euch hiermit auf die Einladung zu einem der lustigsten Skirennen Europas in La Grave (dem Freeride Hotspot schlechthin) aufmerksam. An diesem Rennen hat er mit Freunden schon mehrfach teilgenommen und hatte immer sehr viel Spass.

Es gibt rundherum auch Workshops in Abseiltechnik, Lawinenrettung, Eisklettern  etc. und am Schluss eine große Party mit Livebands. Ein Video vom letzten Jahr könnt Ihr HIER sehen … Er überlegt auch dieses Jahr wieder hinzufahren und würde sich über weitere Interessierte freuen, gemäß Reglement sind v.a. weibliche Teilnehmerinnen gefragt, die gemäß Reglement NICHT Ski sondern irgendwas anderes fahren, dann könntet Ihr oder mehrere Berliner Teams bilden!Interessierte also schnell bei Sandy melden:

Hier folgt nun die Einladung zum Skirennen (Englisch):

33nd edition: from the 29th to the 31st March 2023
For more than thirty years, le Derby de la Meije has been a significant event for the entire county of La Grave and Villar d’Arène, and more largely for the world of Freeride.A stunning race and a welcoming gathering putting at the centre anything that slides such as skis, monoski, snowboard but also snow-scoot, skwal, airboard, snowskate, ski chair and many more…as long as you can control the speed.
With le Derby de la Meije, we are talking about a festive weekend, where any freeride lover, with the will to have fun, is welcome to join.The 2023 edition is taking place on the last weekend of March, thanks to Les Breby de la Meije Association, who have taken over the race organisation for this 33rd edition.Now, you know what you have to do, if you are in tune with the event slogan, “Liberty, Equality, Freeride”, save the date and get ready to spend one of the most awesome weekend of your life.

Be part of La Grave Freeride history !

The rules are simple, the start of the race is given from the Lauze Dome (3,550m) through waves of ten skiers per minute. The finish line is located at Chal Vachere, at the altitude of 1,840 meters. The point is to be the fastest to ride down this distance.
There are no gates, nor an established route to follow; only a few crossing points that are mandatory and others that are forbidden for safety reasons.
    •    One of its particularities is, without doubt, its long tradition to dress up for the occassion and/or participating as a team of 3 .
    •    The second particularity is that you have the opportunity to do it with anything that slides as long as it has breaks or a way to control speed, such as skis, monoski, snowboard but also snow-scoot, skwal, airboard, snowskate, ski chair and many more…FORM YOUR TEAM
Skiers can register as a team!
Nonetheless, to register you would need to be 3 participants with at least a woman in the group. Moreover, you will need to have three different contraptions to slide down to the finish line.
A team can be either composed with 2 men / 1 woman or 1 man / 2 women or 3 women.